Youth Fellowship
Batavia United Methodist Church has an active youth program that serves students in grades 6 – 12. Our youth group offers a variety of programs, small groups, and opportunities to serve in alignment with the church’s mission statement to Love God, Love others, and Serve. Information regarding our Summer Youth Mission Trip can be found on our Serve page. For more information regarding our youth program, please contact the church office at
Youth Sundays

Youth fellowship and study follows worship and coffee time Sundays. Join us at 10:15 a.m. in the Youth Room (Room 311).

Our Tri-Cities/Aurora Confirmation program is offered for youth at four churches: Baker Memorial UMC in St. Charles, UMC of Geneva, Wesley UMC in Aurora, and Batavia UMC. This weekly program that parallels the school calendar has been a huge success and is continuing this year. Students find the lessons, field trips, and service projects both informative and practical in helping to claim and practice their faith. If you think the program may be right for your student, please contact the church office at 630-879-7960.
Permission slips are needed for most events. Students must also have a Medical Release on file in the church office.